Keeping the Voice of the People

in our County Government




Pen School Supply


Political Advertising Paid by Jon stevens Campaign.

I'm Jon Stevens and would be proud to serve our precinct as your next ​County Commissioner. For the past 8 years, I have served as your Justice of ​the Peace, but have filed as a write-in candidate for the Commissioner ​position.The reason is simple.

I believe in TRANSPARENCY...when decisions are made for our citizens, ​whether fiscal or otherwise, the voters have the right to know and ​understand what's going on.

After our previous Commissioner passed away, a committee of 5 people ​decided what name to place on the November ballot in his place.Then, ​they changed their minds...and selected a different name.In essence, ​those 5 chose your next commissioner.

Of those 5 people, only ONE is eligible to vote in Precinct 1.

I am sure we all agree that one person should not speak for everyone.I ​feel like the CITIZENS have the right to voice WHO represents them in ​County Government. YOU need to have a choice and a say in who it is that ​is spending YOUR tax dollars and maintaining YOUR roads.

If you decide I am the right person,I will resign the position of Justice of ​the Peace, scale back my personal construction business, and serve you as ​your full-time commissioner. That's how serious I am.

Whatever happens in this race, it will be because the VOTERS decided, and ​I can rest easy as long as you've had a CHOICE.

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Hand Drawn Check Mark
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~ I believe in transparent local government.

~ I believe in the voice of the people being heard.

~ I believe in fiscal responsibility.

I am business-minded and understand managing millions of ​dollars in budgets and making our dollars stretch.

More importantly, I'm people-minded. I'm easily accessible ​and prefer face-to-face. I believe that's the best way to ​understand and to get things done. I will come and look at a ​problem. I am aware we have serious road maintenance ​issues and right-of-way issues.

Call me. I'll show up.

Reach out!

Jon Stevens



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